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2 Dimensions Interactive Media Learning Good Manners For Children Elementary School
Chaerur Rozikin (a*), Jajam Haerul Jaman(b), Iqbal Alexander Gumelar (c)

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Jajam Haerul Jaman

1. Singaperbangsa Karawang University
2. Computer Science Faculty

Begin, children are often presented with a cartoon or animation 2 that is not appropriate to the age, many other elements in the childs watch such as violent elements, filthy elements and others that make a change in behavior Children because of the growing age, the development of child behavior is still growing based on the experience that children see from the current spectacle. Lack of parental supervision in sorting child views makes children free to watch what content they see. The use of 2-dimensional animation technology and interactive learning media aims to attract students as a learning behavior as well as entertainment to be attracted by children. Methodology used in this study is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) with tools used in building applications such as Adobe Illustrator CC 2017, Adobe After Effect CC 2017, and Visual Novel Maker. The app successfully features 2-dimensional animations and interactive learning inside. The applications test implementation uses a paired sample test-T which generates a significant percentage rate of t count = 10.23 > t table value = (? = 0.05, df = 29) = 1.699 so that Ho is in the rejection area and H1 is accepted. Then there is a difference between before and after using the application, it can be said that the application can increase the understanding of students by shown the sample data x ?1 = 66.3 x ?2 = 82.3. As well as the result of a questionnaire to 30 students using the rating scale get results 82,3% of students choose very agreed, so it can be concluded that the application deserves to be used as a media Learning ordinance behave well.

Multimedia; Interactive; 2D; animation; Education

Computer Science Education


Munir, Donni Triosa

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Munir Munir

Departement of Computer Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jln. Dr SetiabudhiNo.229 Bandung 40154 INDONESIA

The background of this research is due to problems in learning computer systems at school. The purpose is to find out the improvement of students cognitive aspects by applying a cooperative script method assisted by interactive multimedia on the subject of computer system. The method used is an experimental method with a quasi-experimental form. The research design used is a nonequivalent control group design. Before conducting the research, the multimedia was validated first by the expert of material and the expert of multimedia. Based on the data processing, the result are 1) the improvement of cognitive aspect in a control class has a gain index 0.37, while in the experiment class is 0.78. 2) The multimedia has a good response from the students and reached the percentage of 78.51%.

Cooperative Script, cognitive aspects, interactive multimedia

Computer Science Education


Achitecture of Interactive Multimedia Game Based on TANDUR Strategy to Improve Students- Concept Undersanding in Basic Programming Subject
Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, Enjang Ali Nurdin, Munir, Intan Permatasari

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Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho

Departement of Computer Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research aims to design and build interactive multimedia game based on TANDUR strategy to improve SMK sudents- concept understanding in Basic Programming subject. Quantum teaching learning model TANDUR strategy means Tumbuhkan (Grow), Alami (Experience), Namai (Name), Demonstrasi (Demonstration), Ulangi (Repeat), and Rayakan (Celebrate). Researc data gathered from field survey quastionnaire and interviewing RPL subject teacher in one SMK in Bandung. Reserch results are: 1) interactive multimedia game has been developed and rated good so that it is worth applying with percentage of 80% from media expert and 83% from content expert and 76% from students- assessment. 2) interactive multimedia game improves students- concept understanding by gain index, before using interactive multimedia game average score for over achiever or upper group was 60 after using interctive multimedia game 86.3, average or middle group from 36 to 72.9, and under avhiever or lower group from 35.4 to 61.

Multimedia, Game, Quantum Teaching Learning Model, TANDUR Strategy, Concept Understanding

Computer Science Education


An Implementation of Hamming Code on Marker Based Augmented Reality for Introducing Local Wisdom of Batik
Wiwid Widyanto, Rosa Ariani Sukamto, Isma Widiaty, Alejandro Rosales Pérez, Lala Septem Riza

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Lala Septem Riza

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Engineering and Science, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico

Batik is a fabric made with anti-wax dyeing techniques and is one of the many cultural heritage of Indonesia that has high artistic value and has become the hallmark of a nation that must be preserved. One way to preserve it, is to introduce batik. In order to make it more attractive, we can use multimedia as media to introduce batik. Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that adds virtual objects into the real world. This technology could provide a new way of delivering information to users, which is more interactive. So, it is expected to increase the sense of desire to know batik and its local wisdom. In this research, a system of marker-based tracking AR used to introduce batik and its local wisdom (called batikAR) was made. One type of AR is marker-based tracking methods. These methods use a marker as a reference display objects/ information. To track markers, there are several steps that must be performed on every frame received from the camera android smartphone. The phase of tracking in this study includes: conversion of images from the camera frame into a grayscale image, thresholding, the contour detection, perspective transformations, and finally decoding using the Hamming Code algorithm. According to the experimentations that were conducted, user responses to the application batikAR are good enough. Moreover, tracking markers on this system could properly track 100% of each marker in normal circumstances, within a certain range depending on the size of the marker and at an angle of 450. However it is unaffected by ambient light conditions. Therefore, we can state that the system can be used as an alternative teaching methods for introducing batik and its local wisdom.

Image processing, Augmented reality, Local Wisdom, Learning media

Computer Science Education


Application Model Of A Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) to Improve the Cognitive Domain of Vocational Students in Basic Computer and Network
Anas Anshori Safari, Enjang Ali Nurdin, Jajang Kusnendar

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Corresponding Author
Jajang Kusnendar

a) Computer Science Education, Indonesia University Of education
Jl. DR. Setiabudhi No.229,Bandung, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education

This research aims to measure the improvement of students understanding skills after treatment or treatment using Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) based multimedia models on computer subjects and basic networks. This research discusses several things as the following 1) design and development of a multimedia-based VAK Model; 2) influence of Model-based VAK mutimedia on improving students understanding. 3) Multimedia eligibility by implementing VAK learning models in computer and basic network subjects. The method of research used is quantitative with the stage of multimedia development using water-fall method. The research Data is taken from the interview to the teacher to the teaching subjects as the object of this study. From this study obtained results: 1) This stage of multimedia development from the design level, designing, validation of ex-perts, to testing and testing, conducted tests by me-dia experts and material experts using question-naires based Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI. This multimedia feasibility is rated very decent with the assessment of media experts having an average of 85.40% and expert assessment of material has an average of 84.75,%

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK), Multimedia Education, VAK, Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic.

Computer Science Education


Design and build social networks for homeschooling
Jaka Septiadi, Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, Shah Nazir, Lala Septem Riza

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Corresponding Author
Lala Septem Riza

Department of Computer Science Education, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Computer Science, University of Swabi, Swabi, Pakistan

In implementing homeschooling learning, issues that often arise are the difficulty of discussing, sharing, and exchanging opinions with other students. This of course can affect the learning process and outcomes. Therefore, this research seeks to design and build social networking applications that are linked to e-learning applications, so that it can facilitate the communication and sharing of learning processes and results carried out by homeschoolers. The process of building a social network application is built based on the characteristics of the social network and the characteristics of homeschooling. Whereas in software development we use the waterfall method. The application is then tested to the user based on 9 aspects of LORI. The results of user testing of this application produces an assessment with a percentage of 78%. So from the assessment, this application is categorized as having a good feasibility to use.

Learning Media, Social Media, Computer Science Education

Computer Science Education


Designing Interactive Multimedia Based on Adventure Games Using Discovery Learning Method to Improve Cognitive Understanding of Junior High School Students in Basic Networking Subjects
Asep Zaenuri, Enjang Ali Nurdin, Lala Septem Riza

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Corresponding Author
Lala Septem Riza

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

This research aims to build game-based learning multimedia with discovery learning methods for Basic Network subjects. Multimedia that has been built was tested on an experimental class which is a class X MM student at SMK Negeri 4 Bandung. The results of the research that have been carried out obtained the following results: 1) In designing and building interactive multimedia, the process is carried out through five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment such as making multimedia in general. The results of the media expert assessment of multimedia by 91.43% and the expert content assessment of multimedia by 88%, 2) interactive learning multimedia based on adventure games using discovery learning methods can improve student understanding as seen from an increase in the overall overall gain value of 0 , 45 which is obtained from the comparison between the average pretest value and the average posttest value.

Learning Media, Serious Game

Computer Science Education


Designing School Knowledge Management System: Waterfall Model
Novi Sofia Fitriasari (a*), Rani Megasari(b), Erna Piantari(b)

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Novi Sofia Fitriasari

(a) Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kelautan Kampus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia di Serang Jl.Ciracas Nomor 18, Serang 42116, Indonesia.
(b) Departemen Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154

Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for self-development is a teacher competence that must be have in 4.0 industry era. Moreover, in this era, internet technology is a core of ICT and become a challenge for teacher. ICT is be used for self-development is a factor that can be affect the teacher knowledge so that it can improve the learning quality in schools. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is an integrated system which is related to activities for gathering, acquisition, manage, storing and sharing knowledge. This system is a solution for improving quality learning process. Therefore, in this research it will be designed School Knowledge Management System (School KMS) using waterfall model. School KMS provide services for discovery service (discover and retrieval knowledge), publication service (upload and write together), collaboration (service forum or portal for Community of Practice), and learning service (online learning service).

KMS, Knowledge Services, School, 4.0 industry Era, Waterfall model

Computer Science Education



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Erlangga K.Moekasan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In vegetable production, farmers face many obstacles, such as the problems related to seeds, pest and disease control, commodity prices, and marketing of produces. There is almost no useful information and technology easily accessible to improve the situation. With the better penetration of the Internet to the villages and the wide availability of inexpensive mobile devices, mobile learning provides a good solution. This study is aimed to create a mobile learning framework that provides information and interactive communication about vegetable production needed by farmers. The method used was Science Research Design Methodology (DSRM) with a framework approach to instructional design of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Usability surveys of the proposed prototype to farmers, extension agents (field technical assistants), and researchers, result in 79.4%, 87.3%, and 87% satisfaction rates, respectively, in information needs fulfillment. Summative test in the aspect of User Acceptance Test of validity and reliability indicated that the prototype could be used by farmers. Based on the assessment by experts, 87.3% of them agreed that the mobile learning framework for vegetable farming could provide learning information about vegetable production.

Mobile Learning, Vegetable Farming, Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), Instructional Systems Design (ISD), ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation)

Computer Science Education


Development of Smart Education education service systems to achieve Education 4.0
Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Budi Laksono Putro, Heri Sutarno

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rizky rachman rachman

Computer Science Education Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, Indonesia

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is characterized by the use of intelligent technology in the Industrial field. The use of smart technology in education is an impact on Industry 4.0. SMART Education is an intelligent technology-based education system innovation in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Smart Education offers education system innovation solutions based on smart learning environments, methods and evaluation of learning. Developed countries are competing to realize their smart education education innovations. The Smart Education project has been carried out globally in recent years. The Smart Education project began in Malaysia 1997, Singapore 2006, Finland 2011, Australia 2012, South Korea 2012, United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2012, and New-York 2014. This research aims to develop a smart education education service system to realize Education 4.0. Development of smart education education service systems is built based on service engineering methods, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) architecture and Web Services technology. The development of a smart education education service system consists of 4 (four) main problems, namely: 1. The model of learning services for Smart Education; 2. Application of service computing technology for Smart Education, 3. IT service architecture for Smart Education, and 4. Analysis and optimization of Smart Education service systems. Smart Education prototype test results can improve the education service system.

Education 4.0, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Smart Education, Service-Oriented Architecture, Service Engineering

Computer Science Education


Wahyudin, Deni Martin

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Deni Martin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research study about lack of information that can be conveyed by schools about student attendance to they parents and study about conventional attendance documentation process. The purpose of this research is: (1) design and build a student attendance reporting application using whatsapp gateway for parents to control of their kids and can help users in the presence process. The development model used in this study is prototyping which consists of stages: (1) Listen to customer, (2) Build revize mock-up, (3) Customer test drive mock-up. Data collection techniques using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) and using the rating scale as a calculation method, with the results of the research is: The level of eligibility of student attendance reporting systems reviewed by aspect perceived usefulness is 86% with a very good category, Perceived Ease of Use of 90% with very good category, Behavioral Intention is 90% with very good category, Actual use is 90% with very good category, Attitude Toward Using is 90% with very good category, with an average rating is 89%. from the result of eligibility level shows that the student attendance reporting system can help user to make a presence process and worthy for use

student presence, presence system, Android, Technology Acceptance Model, prototyping

Computer Science Education


Ria Triayomi (a*), Theresia Widyastuti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ria Triayomi

(a) Department Of Teacher School Education Teacher, Catholic Musi Charitas University,
Jalan Bangau No.60 Palembang 30113, Indonesia
(b) Department Of Psychology, Catholic Musi Charitas University,
Jalan Bangau No.60 Palembang 30113, Indonesia

This research aims to produce a valid and practical barcode-based three-dimensional learning media for primary schools and have the effectiveness on learning outcomes in learning Science. The module based on website was developed through three stages, namely needs analysis, design/planning stage, development and implementation stage. To view its validity had evaluated by experts, to look at its practicalities had used one-on-one evaluation and small groups- evaluation, while to look at the effective had used field test and student-s activity. The results showed that the evaluation of experts amounted to 4.27 with very valid criteria, the results of questionnaires student response data showed an average of 76%. Learning outcomes with score gain score of 0.78 with high category. Students activity is 85.4% with very good criteria. The development of three-dimensional based learning media developed has been valid, practical, and has effectiveness on student learning outcomes and activeness.

Three Dimensional Learning Media, Barcode Based, Elementary School.

Computer Science Education


Rani Megasari, Munir, Regi Ismayana Pratama

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Rani Megasari

Departement of Computer Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jln. Dr SetiabudhiNo.229 Bandung 40154 INDONESIA

This resreach is motivated with problem of student who cheat while exam that reflect to their integrity. Cheating can interfere evaluation process. Exams that use computer/smartphone are still many using multiple choice question that are not same as using paper based that has more variation type of question, especially essay question, so a systes was made for essay type question. One of method that can be use for essay scoring are term frequency, n-gram, and cosine similarity. Concept of the methode are comparing keyword answer as query and student answer as document then get score of student answer. This method can also be use in other way, that is comparing ansewers between students where the result is score of similiarity student answers. Student answers that have 75% similarity will be considered by system as cheating which is expected to prevent cheating and increase student integrity. To test this system, experiments where conducted on student behavior when they knowing the system can only assess the answer and student behavior when they knowing the system can find out shich students are cheating. The result of experiment are: (1)This Resreach produced a system for exam with essay type. (2) Result of scoring student answer get the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 10.101 in the pre-test and 6.297 in the post-test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient Result of -0.0283 in the pre-test and -0.0286 in the post-test. (4) Result of system implementation on student integrity get a value of 60.588% in the pre-test and 88.235% in the post-test. But the number of students with similar answer are increased from 45 answers in the pre-test to 51 answers in the post-test.

Evaluation, Term Frequency, N-Gram, Cosine Similarity, Exam, Student Integrity, Student Cheat.

Computer Science Education


Implementation of the Concept of Snakes and Ladders Game in Multimedia-based Learning Design as a Technology Enhance Learning that Fulfills Didactic Requirements
Enjun Junaeti, Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Ziady Mubaraq, Luthfi Fadhilah, Fatwa Muhammad Abdillah

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Enjun Junaeti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Efficiency, enhancement, and transformation are identified as potential advantages in the use of technology in enhancing learning and teaching, so this has become an attraction for researchers to continue to develop technology enhance learning (TEL). Nevertheless, the issues in related to types of technology intervention, ways of conceived enhancement, and associative evidence require further deep thought so that TEL does not become a tool to substitute the existing pattern of teaching and learning. This study aims to implement the concept of the snakes and ladders game in the design of multimedia-based learning as a TEL that meets the didactic requirements. As an evaluation of meeting the requirements, the design is implemented in the development of multimedia about linear space created by following the ADDIE framework and used in the learning process in the classroom. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the multimedia developed had fulfilled the didactic requirements, namely: to have the opportunity to develop fundamental knowledge, to integrate theory into practice, and to develop critical thinking skills.

snakes and ladders game; TEL design; didactic requirement

Computer Science Education


Implementation of WEB-based Learning To Develop Student Learning Independence Through Performance Assessment
Rochanda Wiradinata;Jajo Firman Raharjo;Nurul Senja W.F

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Rochanda Wiradinata

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon

Abstract. Learning is an important factor in achieving educational goals, not only as a means of supporting improvements in the past, but it has been a process that anticipates improving the quality of education in the future that increases progressively. The rapid development in the field of information and communication technology, today goes hand in hand with the advancement of science and technology in the era of learning society or learning society. The existing E-learning system is only able to present the same teaching material to all users without considering their characteristics. On the other hand, there was a lot of criticism of the way the lecturers who conveyed the concept only about nothing and the students were only burdened with a lot of training assignments without any related understanding. Presentation of material contained in textbooks and practice questions does not need to help students to learn to understand it effectively and be improved. The purpose of this study is to discuss site-based learning which includes a needs analysis and technology analysis of website-based learning, formulating the task of analyzing teaching materials, developing teaching materials and sending teaching materials and supporting as a draft in website-based learning, improving the quality of learning, learning and Learn more about teaching material so that it can be accessed anywhere and anytime and by anyone This research is a development research that uses a 4-D model developed by Thiagarajan, which defines, designs, develops and develops to develop website-based learning that involves compiling teaching materials published in websites through performance evaluations evaluated to improve student learning independence in corporate accounting courses. The results of this study indicate that with teaching materials based on WEB that have validated validity by material experts, design experts, practicum experts show that students are independent in learning both from material reading sessions, discussions, work assignments and projects. Learning completeness is indicated by the results of the completeness test which agree that students complete independently and classically.

WEB Based Learning, Bank Reconciliation Lecture, Development Research, Performance Assessment

Computer Science Education


Improving the Quality of Reading and Writing with Multimedia-based Teaching Material Training and Digital Literacy in Primary Schools at Rancabolang Gedebage Bandung
Heri Sutarno, Budi Laksono Putro, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra

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Heri Sutarno

Computer Science Education Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, Indonesia

Education is very important for a nation in developing its human resources. This research supports a consistent, systemic and sustainable "school literacy movement" program. The purpose of the PKM of the Patronage Village is to create the habit of reading from teachers, staff, and students at the Primary School in Rancabolang, Gedebage, Bandung. The objectives of this study include 1). Improving School Quality with ICT Training, and Student Reading Interest in Primary Schools at Rancabolang Gedebage Bandung. 2) Training on making Multimedia-based Teaching Materials to improve the quality of learning of teachers at Primary Schools in Rancabolang Gedebage Bandung. 3) Training on making graphics to support Multimedia-based Teaching Materials. 4) Increasing students interest in reading with literacy based on the Learning Management System (LMS) at Elementary Schools in Rancabolang Gedebage Bandung. The target of this activity is the teachers and students at Rancabolang Elementary School. This activity output produces LMS for Digital Literacy.

Literacy skills, Multimedia-based teaching materials, Digital literacy

Computer Science Education


Instilling Healthy Lifestyle Behavior into Prospective Physical Education Teachers through the 30 Day Fitness Challenge Application
Tatang Muhtar, Tedi Supriyadi, Ayi Suherman

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Tatang Muhtar

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The utilization of Information and Communication Technology for the millennials is a requirement, one of which is in the learning of Physical Education (Penjas – Pendidikan Jasmani). The teachers are expected to develop the competencies in the mastery and utilization of ICT in the learning process. Therefore, this research aims at exploring the prospective physical education teachers- skills in the utilization of ICT in the process of physical education learning as an effort to instill healthy lifestyle behavior into prospective physical education teachers by using an Android-based 30 Day Fitness Challenge application.. The procedure of this research are: 1) searching the application, 2) understanding of the application, 3) conducting learning process through the application and 4) evaluating of the learning outcomes. This research was conducted in one of the universities in Sumedang Regency by involving 100 students of prospective physical education teachers, consisting of 65 male students and 35 female students. The findings revealed that the use of this application had an effect on healthy lifestyle behavior with the indicators, for example, 1) the subjects had the understanding of the steps in instilling healhy lifestyle behavior, 2) the increase in motivation affected the importance of healthy lifestyle behavior, and 3) the subjects were getting used to conduct sport activities through this application. Therefore the utilization of the 30 Day Fitness Challenge application was able to instill the healthy lifestyle character in the prospective physical education teachers in Sumedang Regency.

Android-based application, healthy lifestyle behavior, physical education

Computer Science Education


Kahoot:Taxonomy of gamification element perspective
Novi Sofia Fitriasari (a*), RR.Deni Widjayatri(b)

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Corresponding Author
Novi Sofia Fitriasari

a)Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kelautan Kampus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia di Serang, Jl.Ciracas Nomor 18, Serang 42116, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Guru dan Anak Usia Dini Kampus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia di Serang, Jl.Ciracas Nomor 18, Serang 42116, Indonesia

Kahoot is an internet-based application that can be used to evaluate learning in the classroom. The advantages of kahoot from other learning evaluation applications are packaged in the form of a game. Learning in the form of a game or what is called gamification has at least 3 elements, namely Game based rules, Game mechanics level and Game thinking competition. Therefore in this study discuss more details about kahoot seen from the Taxonomy of gamification element perspective.

Kahoot, Gamification, Game Based Rules, Game Mechanics Level, Game Thinking Competition

Computer Science Education


LGate-S: Simulation Media for Learning Logic Gate
Harsa Wara Prabawa, Rizky Rachman Judhie, Jajang Kusnendar, Erni Nuraeni

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Harsa Wara Prabawa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Learning process in Vocational High Schools (SMK) has different characteristics from public schools which is more focused on productive subjects or practices. This condition is a particular obstacle, especially if students are confronted with material that tends to be conceptual, such as a Computer System. Computer System Material is material that studies the concepts of mathematical calculations that occur in the computing process. The inaccuracy of student knowledge on the basic concepts of Computer Systems will have an impact on the mastery of the material in other learning. This study tries to develop a learning type of simulation type because theoretically simulation is considered more effective in helping students with high levels of anxiety in understanding a topic because it presents a series of contextual objects/content that demands student involvement in conducting experiments. This simulation media was tested on 84 Vocational High School students in the IT field in several schools in the city of Bandung. From three times of media testing, the results are obtained that the simulation media can make students better understand the concept of abstract logic material because the material is visualized by simulations on electric circuit illustrations that are made as if the user is in a real situation. Nevertheless, the simulation media still need to be improved, especially in terms of the scenario of the presentation of the exercise and the complexity of the cases presented.

Simulation, logic gate, computer system

Computer Science Education


Logic and Computer Algorithms Educational Game for non-IT vocational students
Annisa Larasati, Harsa Wara Prabawa, Jajang Kusnendar

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Harsa Wara Prabawa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The interest of Vocational High School students in learning theoretical material that is not from their field of expertise is very low. This is partly because students consider the material not directly related to the skills needed in their vocational fields. contextual material that seems absurd, because it is sometimes taught without the help of adequate media and practical activities, is another reason for the lack of student interest in this material. This research aims to build an educational game that can be used as a learning aid, especially in the material of logic and computer algorithms; and measuring the effectiveness of the use of educational games on increasing student understanding. This research is development research, in which media prototype design is tested several times to different subjects to get a media design that suits your needs. in relation to understanding, the media was tested on 103 students in one of the non-IT Vocational High Schools in the Bandung City area. From the results of this study note that in general, students gave very good responses regarding this educational game. The majority of students think that this game is interesting, and can help provide understanding and increase student motivation. however, this educational game is only able to help students understand at the low order level of thinking. for more complex problem-solving cases, other media assistance is needed in constructing student understanding to a higher level.

Educational Game, logic and computer algorithms

Computer Science Education


Requirement Engineering Method for Alignment of Information Technology Utilization with Education Business Strategy
Budi Laksono Putro, Heri Sutarno, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Della Ilona Suryana Putri

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Budi Laksono Putro

Computer Science Education Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, Indonesia

Information technology is widely used in work management because of its effectiveness and efficiency which have been proven to be able to accelerate performance. But to achieve this, it is necessary to have good and correct IT management. The problem is that there are often differences between the initial requirements and the actual requirements the customer wants. To solve these problems an engineering approach was implemented which eventually became Requirements Engineering. With the application of these methods, it is expected to produce software that suits user needs. The system used in this study is one of the systems found at the Indonesian Education University called the Integrated Online Learning System (SPOT). This system is a web-based application system that can be used to replace face to face or as a complement to learning. This research was made using the WebQual 4.0 method with three main dimensions of WebQual namely Usability, Information Quality and Service Interaction. This research was conducted using a questionnaire and tested through a classic assumption test and regression analysis. The population of this study were students and lecturers at Indonesian university of education. From the calculation process the results obtained from the usability variable of 3,797 with an average of 474,625, which means the SPOT system is easy to use among students and lecturers, the Information Quality variable is 3215 with an average of 459.28 which means that the information conveyed through the SPOT system is of high quality , Service Interaction Quality variable of 3097 with an average of 442.42, which means that the SPOT system service is of high quality.

Requirement Engineering, WebQual 4.0, Usability, Information Quality,Service Interaction

Computer Science Education


The development of role-playing game multimedia using q-learning algorithm based inquiry training model in sql database subject for vocational high school
Enjang Ali Nurdin, Muhammad Fadlian Amhar

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Enjang Ali Nurdin

Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu KOmputer FPMIPA UPI

The purpose of this research is to develop a Role-Playing Game (RPG) multimedia based Inquiry Training Model (ITM) with a Q-Learning algorithm for subjects Structured Query Language (SQL) on vocational high school in department of software engineering. The design of study is done with phase analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment. At this stage of the analysis carried out literature studies, field and acquisition of information about the curriculum and syllabus that applicable. Results of analysis used for designing materials, flowcharts, and storyboard. Multimedia learning related to the ITM phase. RPG game elements in the form used as a multimedia approach for learning. Q-Learning algorithm is added to the multimedia as a user interaction to provide advice in the RPG. To obtain multimedia learning assessment in the context of the development, validation is done by theexpert in media and content. The next assessment phase is limited trials conducted in a single unit in which student access to multimedia learning in groups. Respondent assessors are 14 people in class XI vocational high school no 11, Bandung. The results showed values in the range of "Very Good" according to expert in media and content also the student assesment.

multimedia learning; RPG; Inquiry Training Model; Q-Learning algorithm,

Computer Science Education


Sofi Ismarilla Wardani, Jajang Kusnendar, M.T, dan Asep Wahyudin,M.T

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Corresponding Author
Jajang Kusnendar

Computer Science Education, Indonesia University Of Education Jl. Setiabudhi Number 229 Bandung, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes and measure the effect of multimedia learning simulation games on the explicit instruction method on the effectiveness of learning. The research method used in this study is a mixed-method using a concurrent embedded/nested strategy. Obtained data average value of pretest obtained by 53.85, while the average posttest value of 79.15. From the two average values, it can be obtained a gain value of 0.53 which indicates an increase in student learning outcomes after using multimedia learning assisted with simulation games. Multimedia learning partially has a significant effect on the effectiveness of learning with the acquisition of T value of 2,043. While the Simulation game partially does not have a significant effect on the Effectiveness of Learning with the acquisition of T count of -1.666. Simultaneously learning multimedia and Simulation games have no significant effect on the effectiveness of learning with the acquisition of F count of 2.087. Simultaneously learning multimedia and Simulation games have no significant effect on the effectiveness of learning with the acquisition of F count of 2.087.

Explicit Instruction Method, Application of Learning Multimedia, Simulation Games, Learning Outcomes, Learning Effectiveness, Basic Networks.

Computer Science Education


The Implementation of Interactive Multimedia on Didactical Design Research to improve learning experiences in students
Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Maharani Pramesti, Lala Septem Riza, Didi Suryadi

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Eka Fitrajaya Rahman

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

One of the problems behind this research is the learning difficulties experienced by students on the structure of the repetition algorithm algorithm. Context problems (problems) that are not familiar or foreign to someone often make it difficult for them when trying to find the answer. Lack of mastery of basic concepts or lack of experience working on problems related to pseudecode, also influence the emergence of difficulties when working on the problem at hand. The emergence of difficulties in learning basic programming can also be caused by factors students who are less motivated in learning. Therefore, this study aims to develop a learning method using the Didactical Design Research (DDR) approach with multimedia assistance to help identify students difficulties and help find solutions. There are two stages in this study, namely the first one is to identify learning obstacles, and then is to build and implement interactive multimedia based on DDR to students. Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that: 1) The form of interactive multimedia based on a didactic design containing the learning structure of the repetition algorithm “for”, “while do”, “do while” which is packaged in the form of interactive multimedia and contains questions and also stimulus that can guide students in understanding the structure of the repetition algorithm; 2) Almost all students show a positive attitude towards learning media by using interactive multimedia based on didactic designs. In the future, DDR will be developed for improving students- critical thinking.

Algorithm and Programming, Learning Media, Research Methodology, Computer Science Education

Computer Science Education


The Implementation of Project Based Learning to Improve Student Creativity and Learning Outcomes
Enjang Ali nurdin, Wahyudin

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wahyudin wahyudin


This research applied Project Based Learning in the Information System on Education Management (SIMP) course to see its effect on the creativity and learning outcomes of the student. The method used in this research is One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Meanwhile one of the outcomes of this research is the design of SIMP. The results showed that the implementation of Project Based Learning learning methods in the Information System on Education Management course significantly influenced the level of student creativity and learning outcomes proved by the differences between pretest and posttest mean reached value of 30,5 and also normalized gain reached 0,60 which is included in moderate category. Based on hypothesis test there is significant differences after student get the implementation of project based learning to improve creativity and learning outcomes which is proved by tcount value (6,418) and Sig. Value (0.000) is bigger than 0.05.

Information System on Education Management (SIMP), Project Based Learning, Learning by Design, One Group Pretest-Post Test.

Computer Science Education


The Snake and Ladder Game for Critical Thinking on the Computer System Subject
Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Safitri Nurjanah, Mahmoud Fahsi, Lala Septem Riza

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Corresponding Author
Eka Fitrajaya Rahman

Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

EEDIS Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria

Learning by using multiplayer games can stimulate students to discuss and think critically. Therefore, this research is intended to develop a multiplayer game, the snake ladder game, for learning computer systems. The division of groups and methods of discussion using the method of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), which consists of apperception, delivering material, discussion, quiz, progress report, and final rewards. The game is implemented using multiplayer games based on interactive multimedia, which contains learning material, quizzes, tests, and issues that need to be discussed. To test this application in an experiment, we use two classes as an experimental and control group. The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in students cognitive, a good response to multimedia that is developed, and can be used as a medium for students to think critically.

Learning Media, Serious Game, Critical Thinking

Computer Science Education


TPS-Based Interactive Multimedia to Improve Learning Effectiveness
Wildan Juliardi, Rasim, Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Munir

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Rasim Rasim

Department of Computer Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandund Indonesia

Teacher-centered learning models make student activities limited. Though the effectiveness of learning can be seen from the activities of students in learning. For this reason, students need to be invited to think, discuss, and share with others. This research was conducted to test the Think-Pair Share model in the effectiveness of learning. This research uses the advantages of interactive multimedia that implements the model. research results can be seen from the students response to multimedia is 90% in this case means that multimedia is very helpful in student-centered activities and cognitive improvement with a gain value of 0.41 in the medium category.

Interactive multimedia, think pair share models, Learning Effectiveness

Computer Science Education


Using Animated Multimedia in Computer and Basic Network Subject
wahyudin, munir, muhamad nursalman, yaya wihardi, Enjang Alinurdin, Herbert

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Corresponding Author
wahyudin wahyudin


This research aims to determine how the application of demonstration teaching method based on multimedia animation can improve learning outcomes on subjects Computer and Basic Network at Vocational High School 11 Bandung. The aims of study are 1) Analyzing the application of Demonstration teaching method based on multimedia animation can improve learning outcomes on the subjects of Computer and Basic Network, 2) Analyzing the influence of Demonstration teaching methods implementation based on multimedia animation can improve learning outcomes on subjects Computer and Basic Network, 3) Analyzing the students response for application of Demonstration teaching method based on multimedia animation can improve learning outcomes on the subjects of Computer and Basic Network. The method used in this research is quasi experimental method with non equivalent control group design that uses 2 classes as research object. The number of sample used is 70 people taken from the students of class X MM 1 as the experiment class and X MM 2 as the control class. Based on the results of the study there are improvement from the control and experimental class as well. The improvement is categorized in low category. This is proved by the results of a gain test that shows the value of 0.13 while in the experimental class as much as 0.27. It shows that the implementation of Demonstration teaching methods based on multimedia animation can improve learning outcomes in subjects Computers and Basic Network higher by 27% compared to without using multimedia that is equal to 13%. In addition, this multimedia also has a high influence on student interest in learning. While the results of the assessment in the form of student questionnaires to the multimedia showed in the category very well by obtaining the average value of 83.73%.

Demonstration, Multimedia, Animation, Learning Outcome

Computer Science Education


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